1/2 marathon adventure: week 2

It’s week 2* of my Seattle Rock n’Roll Half Marathon training, and the weather is definitely on my side; at least temperature-wise.  Highs in the upper 50’s, lower 60’s, and 68 today equals perfect running temperatures.  Training this week is exactly the same as last week.  However, I want to make sure that I am really doing my strength training as I only really did this on Wednesday last week. I also want to map out and calculate some other routes to add some variety into the 3 mile runs.

Plan for week 2:

Monday: Stretch & Strengthen: Plan to do a cardio strength class at the Y, and then lots of stretching when I get home.  I think the sequence found here will be perfect.  It’s from the blog, “my yoga life“.  Hal Higdon has some great stuff on stretching here too.

Tuesday: 3 mile run: Plan to do a DIFFERENT (than last week) 3 mile run with B & Norman mid-morning.

Wednesday: 2 mile run or cross-training: Plan to do my favorite cardio class at the Y.

Thursday: 3 mile run + strength: Plan to do an early morning run with B & Norman AND this easy strength training routine thanks to “another mother runner“.

Friday: REST!

Saturday: 30 minute cross: Plan to do an early morning walk around the neighborhood with the whole family.  We will probably walk for at least an hour though.

Sunday: 4 mile run:  Plan to run with Norman.  I’ve mapped out a pretty hilly route, but I’m excited for the challenge.

Runners out there:  What are your favorite and most effective stretching and strength training routines?

off we go!

Like last week, I’ll have a “rundown” on Sunday.

*week 1

2 thoughts on “1/2 marathon adventure: week 2

  1. Pingback: the rundown: week 2! « Wild Tales of…

  2. Pingback: 1/2 marathon adventure: week 3 « Wild Tales of…

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